The Kingdom crew

 CEO and King of Chobots = KingKevin

KingKevin is a current Agent on who is active almost all the time. He is the owner this blog and King of Chobots since 2012 and so on.

Fun facts: Kevin loves to play games, blog,swim and draw. Kevin is the creator of the rainbow playercard in Chobots today. His favorite character for console games is Crash Bandicoot.

Author/ Staff Member  ToastyTim

ToastyTim is an agent on and has been an avid player ever since Christmas 2011. He likes keeping the players of Chobots active and safe.

 Fun Facts: When Toasty is not on Chobots he likes to play his favorite sport, Tennis, and hang out with friends. His favorite season is winter.  He also loves everything to do with Disney.

 Author/Designer :    Elthomii

I'm elthomii , I'm junior at , i join choobts sinec 2009.

I love to play football , blogging , drawing and making video !
I'm the owner of Cho-News Blog !
I love watching movie special the action one!

My favorite season is summer !

Author : Josh

 Josh has been writing for another blog. He loves to work in a team of friendly users who each have the same goals. Josh joined in 2008/2009 where he met lots of people. Josh moved onto in the early alpha, yet left that account. Josh made a new account called Muttski in november 2011. He enjoys the diversity of the users and playing the guitar. Watch out: Josh loves to dance a lot, so keep an eye out for.. weird dances!

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