Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New updates!

Hello Chobots, have you been on Chobots today and seen the latest updates? Or haven't seen any for yourself? Well, I got them here to show you and talk about them.

Okay there was a update to the Underground walls for the colors. Instead of a color wheel it now looks more like this. It's alot easier to get the color you want to use. So if you are a artist your going to love this!

New coming soon catalog has been updated with some new items. I actually got to see a few Staff memembers where some. Such as Yaniv came in with this meme face then Toasty put it on. But, Yaniv came back with these Robot helmets a cool new shirt. Plus if you haven't seen the forums there is a certain user by the name Swifter who has designed us our Peter Pan costume! Nice going ,dude! There is even a new Shark head item which is the shark on your head and a new shirt and a new background which a few users are wearing today.

Okay, this is probably the most biggest update. As you may or may not have known agents were allowed to contact a moderator whenever needed. Well, this feature has been added to all citizens. Now this is a big feature. This button is only supposed to be used if there is a problem. If a user will not stop breaking the rules and you say stop and he continues. This should be maybe your third thing to do depending on which rule the user is breaking. Plus remember to give a good description of the problem such as the name of the user and what he/she is doing in a good description so the moderation team can check into this. Be sure to check back for more updates on Chobots here.

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