Saturday, August 24, 2013

Rules Updated!

Hi Chobots !

Through the meetings and Council gatherings , the Chobots Team have been concluded that the official rules had to be revised .

The administration spent a lot off time in choosing which rules to remove or change !
So the administration decided to " Remove " some the following rules :
  • Advertising - Discussing/promoting websites that do not necessarily relate to Chobots.
  • Asking for agency - Asking a moderator to receive the agent badge without working for it.
  • Asking for items - Begging/annoying other users for their valuable items.
  • Controversial discussion - Talking about subjects regarding religion and sexuality.
  • Dating - Engaging in "romantic online relationships".
  • Gifting - Begging/annoying other users for free gifts.
In this while your account may not be punished as doing these rules , but your actions still be frowned upon by the community . 

so please remember that the moderators still reserve the right to suspend your account for acting out , even if you broke a rule that has been removed .

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to email .
Edit: To clarify, dating is still not allowed, however your account will not be punished if you decide to engage in it. It does affect your chances of becoming a Councillor or Agent.
That all for now , Stay safe !

 "Update 8/25/2013: We have reinstated "No Dating" as a rule on Chobots."

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